Day 10 - Sallie Keyes Lakes to Quail Meadows:
Day 10 - Click on MapDay 10 (August 4) we were set to go over Seldon Pass early in the morning and with the decision to hit Tuolumne Meadows on Thursday, it made the day an easier hike.
However, the feet were still barking and while it was an easier climb up Seldon than the climb up to Sallie Keyes from Muir Trail Ranch the day before, the feet still wanted to let us know how they felt! We made it up to Seldon Pass early and had a great view of Marie Lake and the basin below. It was great looking day and the weather seemed to be holding! It would soon change! We headed down into Marie Lakes and ran into several groups heading up the trail. In fact we ran into over 70 people that day, the most since we started on the trail at Whitney! I guess it being Friday and near the trail junctions added to the crowds. We had been spoiled the days before where we would have the trail to ourselves for much of the mid-day!
We headed down the canyon on our way to the Bear Creek crossing. We made it over Hilgard Creek and down to the crossing at Bear Creek. All reports were that you had to cross below the trail junction about a 100 yards where the creek is split with an island in the middle. When we made the junction, we ran into about 11 ladies making their way across the creek at the traditional crossing. It was a nice sight for two old distinguished looking men to run into that size of a crowd! I was relieved to see that many of them too had tape around their feet and heels to deal with the blisters. They don’t make moleskin and tape for sitting on the shelf I guess! We took the shoes off and made our way across, ready for the blister treatment again. Today the hike up and over Seldon could not be done without treatment so it was a double duty day! It also gave us a chance to rest the feet while we prepared them for the remainder of the day, which included a final ascent and descent over Bear Ridge!
Of course the day would not be complete with more surprises! As we made our way up the Bear Ridge climb on the south side, we ran into more rain! It was the first rain we had since Day 3 so we could not complain much, but it was still a pain to deal with. We donned our rain jackets and made our way up the hill, ducking under trees when the rain started to really fall. We made it up to the top of the ridge and rain was intermittent so we continued along our way. It was more of a nuisance than a real downpour. We then started our late afternoon descent into Quail Meadows down the north side of Bear Ridge. It seemed that the switchbacks would never stop! With the over growth it made for some wet hiking. As we got down to the river/creek at Quail Meadows the rain started up pretty good. It always seems that when you want to setup camp, it has to rain! We found ourselves a decent spot under a tree with some soft pine needles that kept dry during the storm. We headed down to the creek and got some water but not without some slips and falls. My head got banged a little on a rock and Mike took a spill as well. At least we stayed dry.
The day was somewhat of a letdown. The day before was highlighted by our re-supply at Muir Trail Ranch and the news from home. Today seemed to be more of a mileage day. That coupled with the afternoon hike in the rain literally and figuratively damped our spirits. That and the feet! Also the creek was flowing too hard to catch some fish, so we dried off and planned the next day. It would be quite a pull up the canyon to Silver Pass (about 3,00 feet in about 6 miles!). Our ability to make Tuolumne Meadows was now being questioned. Mike’s feet were full of blisters on the balls and heels of his feet. He told me it only hurt when he put his weight on these areas. But these were the only places he could put his weight on! Unless he was able to step on a rock on his arch and that usually rolled one way or the other to the sore spot! My feet were not as bad as far as blisters were concerned, but the toe nail was really digging into the toe by now, even though I had trimmed it several times. The toe was flaring up pretty good. I was also noticing that the redness in my urine the night before would come and go with the strain of the climbs. Something was not quite right! But if I rested or took it easy, it would go away. This was something I would have to watch closer!
To view photos of our trip please refer to the Photo Albums section of this site!